
Monday, July 9, 2012

In which I visit the Men's Shed

During my incapacity with a nuisance of a lower back injury I was invited to visit the Yass Men’s Shed. There are over 700 men’s sheds in Australia. Yass Mens Shed is an Autonomous Incorporated body. The Yass Men's Shed currently has 82 members on its books.

From their website at Yass men's shed comes the following Vision and  Mission statements.

 1. To address the issues of men’s health (physical, emotional and social well-being) in the community.
2. To engage with all the men of the Yass and surrounding communities and to specifically address any issues of isolation, loneliness and depression;
3. To support the social interaction of men in transitional periods (e.g. Redundancy, Bereavement, Retirement, Ill Health, Relocation, Respite Care);
4. To share, disseminate and preserve the skills, abilities and interests that are relevant to the community.

 (adopted at the meeting of the Shed Steering Committee held on 12 February 2008):
The Mission of the Yass Valley Men’s shed is to provide a unique and practical way of addressing men’s health and wellbeing.

Expanded Mission
1. To advocate the benefits of partnerships between the Yass Valley Men’s Shed and the local community.
2. To develop a men’s shed, which can operate on a cost neutral basis, that is, its ongoing costs can be met or exceeded by its revenue.
3. To initiate and continue activities of particular relevance to men.
4. To provide strong social fabric for men experiencing isolation, health problems, or other issues in their lives which the Shed can help to address.
Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.

Here are some images I took during my visit – and “Yes” I did join and become a fully paid up member!

Carpark and "The Shed" - it is attached to a renovated ex-roadhouse that was intended
to be a Community Centre, however, the local council ran into some 'roadblocks' in
establishing that and it currently serves as a Men's shed Annexe.

"Come on in. The doors are open!" and are so three half days a week or at other times as members require.

Community Garden plots located behind the Men's Shed - there are plans
to expand these to include raised beds for frail aged and disabled users.

The new Husqvarna Roto-tiller purchased from government grant 'seed funding'

Machinery shed, water tanks, compost bins adjacent to the community garden plots.

The ex-council 'gifted' ride-on mower (A Kubota, I think) in the garden shed for winter.

Elderly gentleman from nearby Retirement Village working at restoring a wooden table.

New member in kitchen/pantry area going through the process of 'signing up'

Workshop wood working area - a card table in the foreground undergoing restoration and the wooden tray on the chair is the 'prototype' for an order from a local pre-school.

Metal work and welding equipment bay - large double doors
(out of picture  to the right) provide for ventilation

In addition to the local area men's shed there is a National Men's Shed e-site at The Shed Online which links all men's sheds to a 'common ground'


Susan Heather said...

Whangarei is currently in the process of setting up a Men's Shed. Yours looks great.

JohnD said...

Oh Good! Please pass on the information I have posted if it will encourage them!

Cindy@NorthofWiarton said...

Fantastic idea, John. I am sure we will hear more now you are a bona fide member? Hope that back straightens out soon for you?

"Just Me"

JohnD said...

We'll see, Cindy! I am not 100% certain that the 'ethos' behind the 'men's Shed' ideas and the 'inter-activity' (or selected application of such) is what I agree with.