Tracey Spicer at Channel 10.
DEAR Mr Misogynist,I'd like to thank you for everything you've taught me over the past 25 years.
Why, I had no idea I was so fat, ugly and stupid. I thought being a size 12 was perfectly acceptable. But when you yelled across the newsroom, ''I want two inches off your hair and two inches off your arse'', suddenly, a light went on.
Of course! The size of my posterior is directly related to the content and credibility of the stories I'm reporting on for this network. Silly me. You're right. I'll never make it as a TV journalist. Those wise words of yours from 1986 are still ringing in my ears: ''That's why you don't see blonde newsreaders,'' you explained patiently. ''People don't take them seriously.''
It reminded me of another sage piece of advice, from a radio boss during a job interview some years ago. He put it simply yet eloquently: ''There's a reason why you don't hear women on commercial talkback radio,'' he said. ''No one wants to hear the whiny sound of a female voice. Us blokes get enough nagging at home!''
Really, in retrospect, it was foolish to think I was worthy of such a role.
Like all women, I only have two areas of specialisation: shoes and handbags. We all know high heels are a patriarchal construct to dis-empower us by constricting movement. (Oh dear. Must stop having thoughts like that. Sorry, I have no idea where that came from.)
Anyway, through some quirk of fate, I managed to land a news-reading job.
I know what you're thinking. I finally decided to speak into that flesh-coloured microphone you were always pointing in my direction. Oddly enough, I was offered the job by a woman. Who would have thought? Initially, I was wary. You always said you'd never work for a female boss because, ''You can't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die''. Hilarious! It's a good thing I was wearing a corset or my sides would have split.
Fortunately, there were enough blokes around to keep me on the straight and narrow.
On my first night, the station manager came down and said, ''You need to stick your tits out more''. Once again, my brain wasn't working properly.
In between the raging bushfires, the political crises and savage cuts to welfare, I'd forgotten to flirt with the camera.A couple of years later - I'm ashamed to say this - I ''porked up'', according to one of the producers. My new boss quickly raced out and arranged sponsorship from the local gym.
Frankly, I was unsightly. I stood out like a bull in a china shop, around those fragile lollipop ladies with their skinny bodies and massive heads.
Speaking of heads, I got a nasty shock when I looked in the mirror one day. Wrinkles around my eyes and on my forehead. Too much thinking? Surely not.
I remember you reviewing a video tape of one of my colleagues - clever girl, Walkley Award winner as I recall - and saying, ''The problems seem to be here and here,'' pointing to her ghastly crow's feet. As it turns out, wrinkles were the least of my worries. I'd gotten myself knocked up.
I wanted to go back to work when bubby was three months old but, once again, it took a man to show me the error of my ways.
''Women should be at home with their children,'' my news director said. ''Or the fabric of society will be rent asunder. Anyway Trace. You're getting a bit long in the tooth. Why don't you give some of the younger girls an opportunity?''
Suddenly, all the lights went on. And it was so bright - it made your light look like a limp insipid flicker.
This is difficult for me to put into words but if I had to, it would sound a bit like this: F--- you. F--- you, you misogynist bully with your archaic beliefs, intellect of a pygmy, and tiny dick.
The reason I am writing this letter is to thank you.
Among others - too many to mention - you lit a fire in my belly that's become an inferno and these days, I don't cop shit from anyone. When I was sacked by email after the birth of my second baby, I fought the lot of them. I do hope you receive this correspondence. I had trouble finding a forwarding address after you lost your house due to that unfortunate sexual harassment case. (I'm sure the bitch was asking for it.)
Yours in emancipation,
Tracey Spicer has worked as a television news presenter and radio broadcaster for more than 25 years.
This is an edited version of a speech she gave at a Women of Letters presentation - a series of performances aimed at reviving the art of letter writing. It was first published on
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Absolutely LOVE IT !!! thanks for sharing this one, John. I am hoping to remember to "link you" in tomorrow, if I might?
well done to her........
I never heard the "you can't trust anyone that bleeds for five days and dosn't die" line. That is just awful! (OK I laughed but I will never use or say it.)
Great letter, and I have worked for dicks like that as well. THey may seem extra dicky if you are a woman, but they are dicks to everyone that works for them.
Way to go Tracy, success is the best revenge.
It was a good letter and yes! Australia has its share of bloody-minded misogynists.
Cindy - sure - do whatever you wish as regards 'linking in' (not sure what it means but go ahead anyway!)
What a bunch of dicks Tracy has had the misfortune to work for. Good on her for the letter...I hope it gets published on the front page of every newspaper owned by a man!
has she taken a leaf out of yourPrime Minister's wonderful ability to write a speech?
Politicians writing their own speeches - never Minister! LoL
Love it. Thank you. Lots.
Sounds like she might have run into Mitt Romney...
:-) from Minneapolis,
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