
Friday, June 18, 2010


Rhonda and I were eating dinner last night when a mouse ran across a bench in the kitchen in front of the water containers and disappeared down behind the oven. We were both astounded, looks like a little grey field mouse and not unusual for them to find their way into a warmer environment in winter - its been raining here, 25mm yesterdy and temperature ranging from -2C to 10C - but we draw the line at having mice in the kitchen. We usually find them nesting in the shed or the lock-up at the back of the carport.

I put a squirt of insect spray down behind the oven and it promptly vacated its spot there, ran out across the kitchen floor and made a 90 degree turn and in under the refrigerator.  Looks like a kitchen clean-up this weekend. Don't want to use baits as Denny-the-Dog sleeps in the dining room, just off the kitchen, at this time of year, so traps will be the order of the day.

On another note, a progress on my rehab.

Things are progressing well, in fact for Day 18 post-op I'm mobilising with a walking stick, climbing and descending steps, doing 'light' rides on the exercise bike and have about 100 degrees ROM in that knee. It's getting so well that I can really now feel how bad the other one is! LOL! My physio says I'm ahead of the expected schedule so after some IFC treatment my knee was given a good massage workout that was "agonising" to say the least. By the time I got home it was time for a cup of tea, some analgesics and a good lie down.

Today I've been icing it as it is again quite 'firm' and doing some gentle 'movement and stretching exercises.


John Going Gently said...

get a cat like albert!
3 mice yesterday morning alone!

glad you are rehabing well john... and great u love mr shute!

JohnD said...

We've never had a cat - always been 'dog' persons, tho I don't mind them but Rhonda is not keen on them.

Rehab is 2 steps forward, 1 step backwards at present - and lots of 'icing'.

I always enjoyed a good shute novel!

Steve Bennett said...

Good to see the knee is on the mend there John.